Please pre-pay for guests coming to the pool.
Guests may accompany a member to the pool any day of the week. This policy is subject to change as capacity limits and conditions warrant at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Guest fees will be strictly enforced. The full Guest Policy is available below.
Guest Policy A member can bring an occasional guest to the pool for a one day visit. The member must accompany and remain with the guest at the pool . A given person may not be admitted as a guest more than (2) twice in one week or (6) six times in one month. The guest fee is $10.00 per guest per day. Any member bringing more than 10 guests must go through the facility reservation system.
Guest Passes All members have the opportunity to purchase a guest pass anytime throughout the season. All guest passes are tracked through your online member account. Guest passes are non-refundable. Unused passes held end of each season will rollover automatically to the next season.
Date Exemptions – The “Rule of 4” Guests passes MAY NOT BE USED on the following dates – the first 4 days (5/24-5/27/24), the 4th of July (and adjacent wekends if the holiday falls on a Monday or Friday) or the last 4 days of the season (8/30-9/2/24). This is to ensure our members have priority access to the pool on our historically busy days. ***2024 NOTE – July 4th guests ok (limited capacity 50)***
Guest of the Board Guests of the Board must pay the daily guest fee (please see Policy Section above) each time they visit the pool, but need not be accompanied by a Member. Guests of the Board may bring occasional guests to the pool, i.e., up to two times a week for a total of six times per month, and may attend all social functions after buying a ticket. **Guests of the Board must follow most current guest policy/limitations put in place by Board of Directors.
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