Employment at Hammond Park
Hammond Park Pool is now accepting 2025 applications for lifeguards.
Potential Candidates

Interested in applying to join our lifeguard staff?

We are now accepting applications for the 2025 season!!!


Applications for the 2025 season will be accepted from February 1st – February 28th. After 2/28, interviews will be set up the weekends of March 8th and March 15th. πŸ™‚

NOTE: Please email VPAdHammondParkPool@gmail with any questions.

Candidates will be asked to attach their resume with two references (including their contact information). Also, please have your vacation dates and any summer conflict dates ready!


Contact Us

Interested in applying to be an Assistant Swim Team Coach?

Candidates are asked to send their resume with two references (including their contact information).

APPLY TODAY for the 2025 swim season. Any questions, please reach out to the Stingrays Swim Team Directors.

Contact Us
Employment Forms



Maryland form 507

Work Permit (If 14-17)

Direct Deposit Form

Hammond Park Recreation, Inc is an Equal Opportunity Employer
It is the policy of Hammond Park Recreation, Inc to provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by law, in all personnel actions.

Harassment of any kind is not acceptable behavior at Hammond Park Recreation, Inc. (HPRI). HPRI committed to creating an environment in which every individual can work without being harassed. Harassment may therefore lead to sanctions up to and including termination of employment.

Harassment is any conduct, verbal or physical, while on duty, that has the intent or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual or group’s work performance at HPRI that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Harassment on the basis of race, color, sex, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or age includes harassment of an individual in terms of a stereotyped group characteristic, or because of that person’s identification with a particular group.

Sexual harassment may take many forms. Sexual assault and requests for sexual favors that affect employment decisions constitute sexual harassment. However, sexual harassment may also consist of unwanted physical contact, requests for sexual favors, visual displays of degrading sexual images, sexually suggestive conduct, or offensive remarks of a sexual nature.

Any member of the HPRI Staff who feels harassed is encouraged to seek assistance and resolution of the complaint. Complaints can be addressed to the Manager or to the HPRI Board of Directors.

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